Superlubricity technology has excellent characteristics such as ultra-low coefficient of friction and near-zero wear rate, which can maximize the reduction of energy loss and material wear during the friction process, and has become one of the research hotspots in the field of tribology in recent years. At present, liquid superslip research is mainly focused on the lower application load and speed range, with limited choices of motion forms and friction subsets. In order to promote the engineering application of liquid superslip technology, it is necessary to develop new liquid superslip system, improve its load carrying capacity and operating speed domain, expand the form of motion between contact interfaces, and realize liquid superslip in macroscopic large scale and harsh conditions.
Recently, the team of researcher Dapeng Feng from the Research and Development Center for Advanced Lubrication and Protective Materials, Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, starting from the essential factors of liquid superslip, used the hydrated ionization effect of plasmonic ionic liquids in polyol aqueous solution system and the surface polishing and self-healing effect of hydroxylated boron nitride nanosheets (HO-BNNs) to achieve for the first time high applied load (> 196 N), high The macroscopic liquid superslip between the steel/steel interface at high applied load (> 196 N), high rotational speed (> 0.557 m/s), and point-to-point contact form with a low friction coefficient of 0.004 (Figure 1). The superslip system has excellent corrosion resistance and can be extended to other aqueous polyol systems.
The researchers revealed the evolutionary trend of lubrication state during the realization of superslip behavior, i.e., the transition from boundary lubrication to mixed lubrication state, through stage experiments. By analyzing the composition of friction film, abrasive surface morphology and characteristic elements after the friction test, the macroscopic superslip mechanism was revealed based on theoretical calculation of different intermolecular interactions among metal substrate, anion, water, glycol and HO-BNNs in the superslip system, i.e., based on the strong adsorption of ionic liquid, a stable adsorption layer was formed in the metal friction substrate, which ran and periodically dispersed the friction The contact stress between the subsets is dispersed, thus achieving superslip.
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